sábado, 19 de julho de 2008

Raqs Sharqi

Raqs Sharki significa "Dança do Oriente" em árabe.

Neste vídeo vemos os Músicos do Nilo com a bailarina tunisina Leila Haddad numa colaboração muito especial! Este vídeo é excelente porque em poucos minutos mostra várias músicas e estilos de dança. E se quiserem saber um pouco sobre a história desta dança espreitem abaixo...

Sobre esta dança e as mulheres egípcias de hoje, Patricia Spencer diz " they will happily dance spontaneously in their own homes when gathered together with other women and children, [but] the vast majority of Egyptian women will not dance in public unless at, for example, the wedding of a close member of their family. But was the same true in ancient Egypt?

(...) The same was not true in the temples where both men and women danced and sang in praise of the gods, and the cults of female deities in particular, such as Isis and Hathor, were dominated by priestesses and female devotees. Most temple rituals involving singing and dancing took place within the temple, into which only the king and priests or priestesses were admitted, so this female temple dancing could not be said to have happened ‘in public’ and it may well have been somewhat staid and ritualistic"

(...) Women are also shown in tomb scenes dancing and playing music before the deceased and his family at banquets, in the hope that this scene would be repeated eternally in the next world."

Fonte aqui

* os vossos comentários são muito bem-vindos! *

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