sexta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2016

A Foreigner's View on the 2016 USA Elections: Whatever you do, don't vote for Donald Trump!

I am not an American citizen, and I don't live in the United States of America, but I going to tell you what I see from where I stand, because it's unbelievable to me how someone like Donald Trump has gotten as far as becoming a candidate to the White House, a potential president of the USA. As a citizen of this world, and someone who is worried about the outcome of these elections, I feel I have a duty to say something about what is happening.

For the last couple of weeks I have read a lot about both candidates and I've watched a lot of videos - including the presidential debates - and I still can't believe someone like Donald Trump is running for president. I confess I'm frightened by the prospect of these elections because their results will affect not just the USA, but the entire world: international politics, economy, the refugee crisis, etc. Because the available information is too much, I'm just going to focus on the present, the aftermath of the second presidential debate.

A President should be someone you can look up to, someone who has vision, who tries to find sensible and intelligent solutions to complex problems, someone who is able to inspire and connect to people - from all backgrounds - not someone who thinks he is smart for avoiding taxes. And if that wasn't enough, there's that "locker room talk" (that many athletes have said is not the typical locker room conversation)... Donald Trump said he is sorry for that and excused himself by saying he has never said he is a perfect man. We'll, he is not supposed to be perfect - no one is - but he is supposed to be better that most, and possess those qualities I've mentioned above, which he lacks.

Speaking of which, a President should be someone who serves as an example, because, whether they want to or not, they turn into role models: so I ask those still thinking on voting for Trump, do you want your future president to be a person who criticizes and makes fun of people because of their nationality, religion, colour, gender, disabilities or physical appearance? You all know the specific cases I'm referring to, so I won't repeat them here. Also, Trump incites and cultivates fear - specially islamophobia - and violent behaviour, even telling his supporters to punch the protesters at his rallies because afterwards he would bail them out of jail.

Also, although Donald Trump said he was sorry for his disgusting and sickening comments about kissing and touching women without their consent, he dismissed them as "locker room talk". Well, it's not, and that behaviour it not only low, deplorable and unrespectful - specially for a presidential candidate - it's harassment. Apologizing doesn't make it right. Is this person fit to represent your country?!

Many of his supporters defend him by stating that, unlike other politicians, he speaks from the heart: even if that was true, what is it worth, speaking from the heart, when that heart belongs to someone who lacks basic decency?

On the 8th November, remember: even if you don't particularly empathise with the other candidate, Hillary Clinton, you will not just be choosing between two candidates or political parties, you will voting for the possibility of having someone like Donald Trump as the president of the United States of America. For the good of us all, don't let that happen.

Vera Vieira da Silva

Portuguese citizen and citizen of the World