Desde que me conheço por gente que sempre fui fascinada por representação. Como é que um actor personifica determinada personagem, como a compõe? E quando a representa, o que põe nela de si próprio? Sente realmente o que diz, ri com a personagem, sofre com ela? E após representar uma cena muito intensa, ela afecta-o, consegue voltar "a si" rapidamente, ou fica sempre uma parte da personagem dentro dele? Afinal, a personagem é ou não é uma parte de si próprio? Provavelmente, se estas questões fossem colocadas a actores, haveriam respostas muito diferentes...porque as pessoas são diferentes, não pensam, sentem ou experienciam as coisas da mesma forma...aliás, essa é também uma das coisas mais maravilhosas dos seres humanos, a infinidade de possibilidades em que são capazes de pensar, e ser.
Encontrei na Wikipedia este texto sobre representação, que me pareceu muito interessante:
Affective memory, also known as 'emotional memory', is an element of Stanislavski's ‘system’ and of Method Acting, two related approaches to acting. Affective memory requires the actor to call on the memories he or she felt when they were in a situation similar (or more recently a situation with similar emotional import) to that of their character. Stanislavski believed an actor needed to take emotion and personality to the stage and call upon it when playing their character. He also explored the use of objectives, the physical body's effect on emotions and empathizing with the character.
"Emotional recall" is a the basis for Lee Strasberg's Method Acting. "Sense memory" is used to refer to the recall of physical sensations (instead of emotions). Many modern actors and actresses, however, believe that emotional recall is not authentic "acting".The argument is that the actor is meant to be imitating the character's emotions and not actually experiencing them. The general consensus, however, is that proper acting is a combination of many techniques, and that no actor should be restricted to one way of performing.
"Emotional recall" is a the basis for Lee Strasberg's Method Acting. "Sense memory" is used to refer to the recall of physical sensations (instead of emotions). Many modern actors and actresses, however, believe that emotional recall is not authentic "acting".The argument is that the actor is meant to be imitating the character's emotions and not actually experiencing them. The general consensus, however, is that proper acting is a combination of many techniques, and that no actor should be restricted to one way of performing.
Fonte: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affective_memory
"I know people think that acting is not quite the occupation of grown-ups, but it is actually the ultimate learning process: You get a multitude of experiences, all for the price of one life."
"I know people think that acting is not quite the occupation of grown-ups, but it is actually the ultimate learning process: You get a multitude of experiences, all for the price of one life."
Natalie Dormer
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