quinta-feira, 28 de julho de 2011


Era tão bom se pudesse transformá-la em grande e viver lá dentro... =)

"Casa", Vera V. Silva

quarta-feira, 27 de julho de 2011


Your angels answer your prayers by giving you divine guidance, in the form of reoccurring feelings or thoughts to take action. This action may seem to have nothing to do with your prayer. However, take the action anyway because one step at a time, your angels will lead you there.

- Doreen Virtue

Pintura: Archangel Michael, Marius

quarta-feira, 20 de julho de 2011

~~ Water Girl ~~

From Zakir Hussain's first solo album "Making Music" (1987)

It represents an important breakthrough in the world-jazz-fusion music scene. Zakir Hussain is considered the greatest tabla player on earth. Englishman John McLaughlin is thought by many to be one of the best guitarist on earth. An intuitive combination of styles and one of the best examples of what one deems music to be. Listen & Enjoy it.

Recorded at Rainbow Studio, Oslo, Norway in December 1986

Personnel includes:
Zakir Hussain (vocals, tabla, percussion)
Jan Garbarek (soprano & tenor saxophones)
John McLaughlin (acoustic guitar)
Hariprasad Chaurasia (flute)


terça-feira, 19 de julho de 2011


"No story lives unless someone wants to listen"

Harry Potter 'The Deathly Hallows" Pt.2 Premiere

terça-feira, 12 de julho de 2011

Terra nas Mãos

O ser que sou ergue-se da terra, da pedra bruta,
continuamente dando forma a mim mesma,
modelando o meu ser sem princípio nem fim.
De braços abertos recebo as bençãos dos Céus
que tantas vezes disfarçadas de lágrimas
devagar me levam até junto deles
enquanto me enraízam no interior da Terra.

"Terra", Vera V. Silva

sexta-feira, 8 de julho de 2011

It's Only Fear

Alexi Murdoch, 'It's only Fear'
do álbum "Four Songs" (2002)

Há acordes que nos enchem a alma...